Thursday, May 17, 2012

A Leader's Prayer Life is More important and Crucial Than Many Leaders in All Walks of Life Realise

Prime Interest Rate Today - A Leader's Prayer Life is More important and Crucial Than Many Leaders in All Walks of Life Realise
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Do you know about - A Leader's Prayer Life is More important and Crucial Than Many Leaders in All Walks of Life Realise

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As a leader, you can be just recovering from one set of problems when another suddenly appears. And sometimes they bring their pals! Sometimes there are flocks of them! Nehemiah faces internal dissension, as he supervises the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem. Read the actual situation in Nehemiah part 5. The scenario we are presently experiencing in assorted parts of the world is not unlike what we are reading of here.

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How is A Leader's Prayer Life is More important and Crucial Than Many Leaders in All Walks of Life Realise

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Prime Interest Rate Today.

There is a food emergency - a famine - and we now have increased numbers of Jews in Jerusalem. There is heavy taxation and exploitation.

The rich were feathering their nests by loaning money at high interest rates - arranging mortgages with intensive terms - and commonly exploiting those in financial difficulties. We read all about this in Nehemiah part 5 in the Old Testament of the Bible.

There is a very similar situation today in the assorted money market circumstances. The parallel is astounding.

We're starving - we're broke - we're being abused! That is what the inhabitants and workers in Jerusalem said to nehemiah in modern terminology.

Labourers who did not own their own land were deeply discouraged. Farmers found things difficult because they had mortgaged their fields.

Loan sharks had come and repossessed the land and sold families into slavery.

This tension between rich and poor is difficult to determine - the affluent and the underprivileged. The poor were becoming poorer and the rich were becoming richer. How often do we hear that today?

Jesus found it too, with that rich young ruler who had such potential but would not surrender, because he had great wealth, and there were those who did surrender and result and they were greatly used by God. We read in the Gospels that they left all and followed Him who had called them.

Nehemiah becomes very angry. There is nothing wrong with becoming angry. Nehemiah acknowledges anger - ponders and evaluates.

He does not suppress it, nor does he dump it on everyone and explode in rage. He confronts the hierarchy in Jerusalem privately, and then calls a meeting.

He reproaches the leaders and they are shamed into silence.

We need courage at times to face those with whom we strongly disagree. Confrontation is seldom easy. It can be easier to find a speculate for not doing what we know needs to be done.

"Stop coining it in" is his basic message to those who had been misbehaving financially. And there have been many misbehaving financially over these new months and years with all their mismanagement and excessive 'bonuses'.

Verse 12 is astonishing, where he makes these money men take an oath that they would not act in such way ever again!

Perhaps we should ask the Chancellor, Prime Minister, or President, to make the bankers take an oath! Nehemiah did not trust them. Why should we? There is a strong safe bet biblical principle here about integrity and honesty.

There is a reverence for Almighty God, which we have lost over these 20 to 30 years.

Nehemiah gets the citizen to sort it all out, and a day which began in sorrow ends in rejoicing.

Nehemiah never used his position to serve his own interests. He did not even take what he was due. We gawk the dynamic which motivated him.

In an age when standards are being lowered, and moral absolutes being ignored, it is easy to rationalise issues and cut corners, on the basis that everyone else is doing it!

Nehemiah did real work in assorted areas - another part for leaders. If something needs to be brushed or tidied up lift the brush or pick up the piece of paper. There are 'leaders' who think they are above that type of service!

Nehemiah was able to say "No" where a matter is wrong, and "Yes" where the issue is right. It is not always easy to lead like that but strong sensitive caring leaders will give such a safe bet lead.

We have to do more than turn our back upon the negative. We have to be complex in what is positive.

Nehemiah is devoted to rebuilding the walls. He will not be sidetracked, or diverted from what for him is a priority.

And - what is equally leading - Nehemiah did not seek to originate an affluent lifestyle for himself. There is a part that needs to be shouted from the rooftops in these gift times.

He had compassion for the people. He is particular minded. He does not pursue conflicting interests.

Nehemiah knew that sometimes the good has to be discarded in order to perform the best.

What a prayer at the close of this section - "Remember me with favour, O my God, for all I have done for these people."

Yes - possibly a leader's prayer life is more leading than any other area when it comes to essential leadership.

Sandy Shaw

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