Wednesday, July 4, 2012

For Education: The Writing is on the Oil Well

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American instruction has to become more contentious yesterday.As published in peruse Magazine, January 2006:

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How is For Education: The Writing is on the Oil Well

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The doing of U.S. Students in middle and high schools on international math and science exams is below the average of 38 other countries. Even industrialized American math and physics students score near dead last among students in 20 tested countries, the panel reported. Since 1990 the amount of bachelor's degrees in engineering has declined 8 percent; in mathematics, 20 percent. While 32 percent of U.S. Students graduate with degrees in science and engineering, the figure in China is 59 percent.With the American economy so dependent on oil and oil linked products it is undoubtedly imperative that America stop lagging behind in instruction and take the lead once again.

With countries in the Middle East like Qatar having vast oil and natural gas deposits production a huge endeavor today to start the transition of their economy from an oil based one to a knowledge based economy should be a primary warning sign to the United States. These habitancy have some of the largest oil reserves in the world and they are aggressively planning for an economy not based on oil.

As was stated in April 7, 2006 issue of the journal Science "This small Persian Gulf emirate is making ready for life after oil and gas by pouring wealth into instruction and research"

For example:

In instruction City in Qatar the Rand-Qatar policy organize has helped Qatar to make stupendous changes in the country's educational institutions. And Qatar Science and Technology Park will be an incubator where secret associates can partner with government agencies and scholastic institutions, developing research into industrial applications and driving Qatar and the region toward a diversified, knowledge-based economy. What American Institutions are participating?

Prominent signs indicate the presence of educational heavyweights, together with Weill Cornell, Carnegie Mellon, Georgetown, and Texas A&M. It is also noted in the journal Science that "Qatar's customary and secondary schools, which have begun to dispense with customary rote learning, Al-Hajari reports, replacing it with curricula designed to stimulate creative and independent thinking. And it extends to Qatar University, which was founded in 1977 and is independent of instruction City."

Why should we as Americans worry about Qatar?

The fact is that America is ranked 39th world wide in math and science education. Think that Texas was just ranked, as a state, 24th in a country that was just located as 39th.

Countries like Qatar, Singapore, China & India are readily getting some of the best researchers that have been educated and trained in America to relocate to their countries.

For example the Journal Science Reports that:

Texas A&M is setting up joint research with the oil industry and studies linked to clean air, while Weill Cornell will merge on biomedical projects relevant to local condition problems. (Diabetes Research) To accelerate the process, (Qatar) plans to bring concerned scientists from Weill Cornell's New York base and recruit postdocs. For his part, (Qatar) hopes to lure back expatriate Arab scientists currently thriving in the West. "Many diaspora researchers are concerned in going back if the infrastructure is there," says Hassan. To capitalize on the research, the Qatar Foundation is construction the Qatar Science and Technology Park right next door to instruction City.

Already, big players in industrial R&D, together with Ge, Microsoft, and ExxonMobil, have signed up and are waiting to move in.

What is happening? Foreigners are coming to America and getting instruction and training and then exporting that knowledge and taste out of the country.
American researchers and educators are leaving America to be able to do the research that they are either denied or do not have funding for in the United States.
The drain is affecting the capability of instruction and research in America.
America is losing it's contentious edge in a global economy in the area of research to goods development.
The capability of educational facilities in the United States is falling below that of the contentious countries, as are the salaries and benefits which lure our foremost researchers away.

These well funded research facilities are in countries that do not hold back amelioration and research in controversial areas like Stem Cell Research. In fact they encourage it and fund it. These countries are leaving the United States behind and will reap the financial rewards and the condition benefits of such research before the United States. They will originate jobs and wealth. The Unite States will just lose.

In an narrative from February 24, 2006 in the Journal Science:

"At an elite science high school in Dallas, Texas, President George W. Bush told the assembled students that the United States "needs a workforce strong in engineering and science and physics" to remain the world's top economic power. His words would seem to bode well for precollege activities funded by the National Science Foundation (Nsf), the only federal branch with an explicit mission to enhance science and math education. But 3 days later, the president unveiled a 2007 budget ask that would cut--for the third level year--a 4-year-old schedule at Nsf aimed at doing exactly that." "If the (Education and Human Resources) Ehr budget stays flat, there's no hope of accomplishing what corporate America says is needed to enhance the U.S. Workforce,"

In his Sate of the union Address on January 31, 2006 President Bush Stated:

"And to keep America competitive, one commitment is primary above all: We must continue to lead the world in human talent and creativity. Our greatest benefit in the world has all the time been our educated, hardworking, ambitious habitancy -- and we're going to keep that edge. Tonight I announce an American Competitiveness Initiative, to encourage innovation throughout our economy, and to give our nation's children a firm grounding in math and science."However, on February 27, 2006 President Bush comes out and announces his plans for the budget: (Washington Post By Mike Allen and Peter Baker 02/07/06)

"President Bush plans to unveil a .5 trillion budget today eliminating dozens of politically sensitive domestic programs, together with funding for education, environmental security and firm development, while proposing primary increases for the forces and international spending, according to White House documents."These problems that are highlighted above are at the heart of the problem.

Now get into the "No child Left Behind" schedule which has altered communal instruction and forced it into a rote learning model by demanding testing doing at the sell out of construction primary mental skills.

According to Wikipedia Rote learning is defined as: a learning technique which avoids grasping the inner complexities and inferences of the branch that is being learned and instead focuses on memorizing the material so that it can be recalled by the student exactly the way it was read or heard. In other words, it also means learning just for the test.

For a Texas school to accomplish the scholastic acceptable rating (the lowest passing standard)

According to the Tea's own 2005 responsibility Manual:

Schools must have passing rates of:

50% percent in Reading Tests

50% in Writing Tests

50% in communal Studies

35% percent in Math tests

25% percent in Science tests

The aspects of learning that complex primary mental and questioning what is being taught are dieing on the vine so that we reflect an acceptable passing rating as defined by the Taks test standards for Texas.

I find it horrifying that such low standards are required of students to pass the Taks test in order to get an academically acceptable rating for the entire school.

No singular student would be allowed to pass a singular test with a 60%, 40% or 35% grade. The Government is telling us Schools are getting good and more schools are meeting the acceptable rating than they were two years ago. The only presume that is true is because they have lowered the acceptable and created loop holes that specifically allow for test scores of minorities to be excluded in the reporting.

Our schools are being forced onto a path of intentional failure by placing the appearance of demands and responsibility without funding. The current management in Washington and our representatives across the United States all talk about how foremost instruction is but their actions of undermining those initiatives by cutting the money out of instruction only speak to their real schedule of forcing communal instruction to fail so that they can privatize education.

This schedule is being achieved at the sell out of this generation of children that are in school today. The damage that is being done will take decades to repair. Our economy will suffer and the capability of life for your children might undoubtedly be less than yours for the first time in American history.

As a nation we need to stop wasting time with foolish projects like School Vouchers and we need to stop spending money and resources on trying to get thoughprovoking organize into science classes. These distractions only drain primary resources and time from the educational theory while exasperating the problems at the price of the instruction of our children. We need to fix the problems - not originate new ones.

We need:

To hold elected officials accountable for sacrificing education.

Better pay for teachers.

More Teachers.

Better resources for education.

Properly fund "No child Left behind"

Modify "No Child Left Behind" to promote primary thinking.

Abandon the recipe of Rote Learning.

Increase funding for "Head Start".

More involvement of higher learning institutions through the entire educational life of a child.

To spend more money on students per year than we do on prison inmates. (,000 per prisoner vs. ,000 per student)

Stimulate more research in higher education.

Open up Stem Cell research and other programs to lure the foremost minds.

Restore incentives to bring the brightest and most talented researchers to America.

To be amount 1 in instruction world wide.

For Texas to lead the United States in instruction as well.

I can think of no greater speculation for our hereafter than our children and their education.

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